
Diagnostic Tests


Diagnostic Tests (DTs) allow us to accurately gauge student levels for specific American standardized tests, such as the ACT, SAT, Advanced Placement (AP) tests, SSAT, PSAT/NMSQT, TOEFL and GRE. We provide free, full and updated DTs for American and international students. Our faculty will carefully analyze multiple-choice questions (MCQs), essays, short written responses, calculations and graphs to pinpoint skill levels. Our faculty will generate official DT Reports that will include scores, analysis and recommendations.


Diagnostic Test Request Form

*Note: Please email your questions, requests, or updates to our Admin Team at if the reCAPTCHA is blocked by the government firewall in the country you are accessing this from.

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Our Easy Diagnostic Test (DT) Process

Our Customer Service Team will send students requested DTs. Students will time and complete their DTs by the honor system. Students will send their completed DTs back to our Customer Service Team. Our faculty will analyze all multiple-choice question (MCQ) and free-response question (FRQ) answers. We will then generate a DT Report for students and parents.

Please complete the Diagnostic Test Request Form for the following tests:

Analyzing Student Levels

After students send us back their completed Diagnostic Tests (DTs), we will score all multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to carefully analyze specific strengths and weaknesses. The statistical data on MCQs allows our faculty to sharply identify student patterns. Our faculty will further analyze all free-response questions (FRQs), such as essays, short responses, calculations and graphs. Unlike MCQs, students cannot truly guess FRQs. There are no options for students to select FRQ answers. This is why FRQs are so valuable because we can truly analyze how students think, plan and execute written responses. Our faculty pours in tremendous effort with identifying urgent issues.

Diagnostic Test (DT) Reports

After analyzing Diagnostic Tests (DTs), our faculty will complete official DT Reports, which will contain student scores, analyses and recommendations. Our Customer Service Team will then send DT Reports to both students and parents. Keeping an open dialogue among faculty, students and parents is vital for student success. Parents often find our DT Reports very helpful because they are better able to understand what critical areas their children need to improve on. Our students also often tell us how much they appreciate our in-depth written feedback. DT Reports can motivate students to work harder because they can efficiently track their progress.


Target Test Scores and Test Dates

Target test scores and official test dates are always left for students and parents. These are family goals. Our job is to explain what steps will be necessary in order to hit these targets. However, we strongly caution students to avoid underestimating how much time and work is required to hit target test scores by target test dates. This is why our Diagnostic Tests (DTs) and DT Reports are so important for student planning. We do kindly remind students to uphold reasonable expectations at all times. While target test scores and test dates must be realistic, students must uphold strong effort with the assigned work.


We want both students and parents to understand exactly what will be required to improve on each standardized test. Our critical feedback on Diagnostic Test (DT) Reports is not meant to intimidate students, but to provide very strict, and always transparent, analysis of what needs corrective action. Students, and even parents, must be open to our critical feedback, remain objective and listen to our warnings without being defensive when we anticipate future obstacles. Our faculty will execute sound teaching strategies based on DT Reports and make appropriate adjustments to put students in the best position to succeed.