Teaching Methodology


At Presidio Education®, we realize critical thinking skills are crucial for academic and cognitive development. Students must gauge all perspectives deeply, yet, equitably. Superior critical thinking skills also require students to evaluate their own positions with transparency. Our training is often humbling for students because they learn how to set aside biases in order to objectively problem-solve. This is why we push students hard to develop holistic points of view. Students must further avoid assumptions and instead, make genuine attempts to gain experience on respective issues.


Thinking Outside the Box

We push students really hard to challenge themselves. Students must learn to think critically and with ingenuity. Problem-solving skills are deeply important for academic growth. Instead of merely copying what others think and say, we want our students to develop new ideas and perspectives pertaining to a variety of difficult subjects. Thinking outside the box fosters originality, creativity and independence. We teach students to both work together as a cohesive team and to develop leadership skills for times that require independent work. As such, leaders must learn to be bold, propose challenging questions and derive sophisticated responses.

developing deep Inferences

Developing strong inference skills is often difficult. Students must learn to evaluate situations logically to offer educated guesses without rushing to judgement. We teach students the key differences between logical inferences and general assumptions. While both are technically assumptions, we teach students to ground their inferences upon thoughtful reason. Students must envision building blocks where one inference leads to the next logical inference. Since problem-solving skills require a high level of inference skills, we constantly challenge students with complex questions and example scenarios.

Insulating Arguments and Anticipating Counterarguments

As with writing, debate and a plethora of subjects, students must learn to insulate arguments and anticipate counterarguments. By insulating arguments, students learn to protect their positions both on paper and during oral debate. If students just stick to the same argument, then their debate skills will never evolve. But if students learn to defend their position from the start, then their opponents will have difficulty with arguing against them. This plays hand in hand with anticipating counterarguments. We teach students to engage their opponents and to quickly maneuver against their opponents’ arguments.

Critical Thinking Triple Threat

There are many components to building outstanding critical thinking skills. In order for students to solidify a foundation, they must focus on building vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills. These are the pillars of superior critical thinking skills. Students cannot effectively interpret rhetoric and make logical inferences without increasing vocabulary with application. Consistent reading allows students to evaluate a variety of complex perspectives and genres. Writing encourages students to evaluate if their own ideas are truly innovative and sharp. High-achieving students push themselves with all three areas simultaneously.

Reasonable Expectations

Parents and students must uphold reasonable expectations at all times with target grades, test scores, test dates and desired schools. We truly understand when families often set high goals, but we kindly remind all parties to establish an honest and objective evaluation of each situation. Although families may want near-perfect to perfect test scores or grades, they must accept the responsibility of the required work and time. Neither excuses nor blaming shall be tolerated. If students truly want to achieve their target test scores, they must overcome any adversity, obligation and excuse. This is why goals must always remain reasonable and logical.


High-achieving students are successful because they have sharp planning and organization skills. These students objectively evaluate both short-term and long-term milestones. Prepared students also plan for contingencies in case plans change or unexpected events occur. This includes effectively pivoting when students encounter obstacles. Unfortunately, many students either procrastinate or underestimate required study time. This is a learning process that students must perfect. Students must learn that cramming is ineffective and unsustainable. This is why students must try their best to stick to our training schedules.

Work Ethic

Serious work ethic is crucial for success. This is drive, motivation and the eagerness of welcoming any and all challenges that may otherwise discourage others. Strong work ethic is about being fearless, staying up late, waking up early, sacrificing weekends and reducing distractions that are unproductive. Mature students consistently make right decisions. While we encourage students to have a wonderful social life to build upon vital social skills necessary to strengthen friendships and become productive community members, we press upon the need for students to work with a passion. If students want to achieve ambitious dreams, they must never give up!

Positive Attitudes

At Presidio Education®, we accept students who are very open to critical feedback, are highly motivated, maintain reasonable expectations and uphold positive attitudes. We want students who demonstrate strength of character, not ones who complain, make excuses, blame others, exaggerate, or become easily defensive. We encourage students to put aside their pride or embarrassment. We closely watch how students react to evaluate their true accountability and motivation levels. One of our primary goals is to guide students into becoming respectful, honest and confident, yet humble, young adults.